V21全称V TWENTY ONE,是广东银士实业有限公司旗下的时尚连锁品牌,V21务求把当下的国际流行时尚元素带进中国,将年轻潮流的大众化精品带给消费者,感受到来自潮流前沿的风格和品位,从而在中国传播V21国际模式时尚连锁品牌。
All the young people, who are either smart, or funny, or persistent, or melancholy and lonely, or deep, or wild, have their own personality who think proud, and have their own alttitude towards the way of getting along with people and dealing with affairs. And what is your alttitude as young mean?
所有的年轻人,或聪明机智,或幽默滑稽,或坚毅自信,又或忧郁孤独,深沉狡黠,野性叛逆,都有自己认为很骄傲的个性,都有独自的待人处世态度。 而你的年轻态度是什么?
V21,gathering the elements like sunlight, love confidence and fashion,which presents a unique young alttitude; ‘love forever young’ , a simple slogan, expresses the attitude of younger generation on freedom and liberation,self-confidence and love. Young men have to have their own attitude.
V21,集聚了阳光,爱,自信,时尚等元素,从而呈现了独特的年轻态度,“love forever young“一句简单的口号,表达出年轻一代, 自由与解放,自信与爱的态度,年轻,就是要有自己专属的态度。
V21 intends to bring the fashion and trendy styles from worldwide to China,
and to provide the most sophisticated products for the Chinese consumer, in order to allow them experiencing the cutting-edge styles.
Our insistence of providing the finest design and quality of
products contributes to our brand value. In addition, it is our innovation that to reinterpret the European styles with Asian sizes.
The absorption of advanced design from worldwide continuously inspires V21 to provide the unique products as to meet the Chinese consumer's demand of fashion.
Furthermore, the pursuit of high quality intimate wear is satisfied through our sophisticated process of manufacture and quality control.
V21 以设计与质量并重为品牌宗旨,把欧美的风格重新在亚洲女性的曲线上演绎,每个季度都会到各大时尚都会汲取最有代表与生命力的创意元素, 设计成 V21 最时尚独特的产品,满足广大亚洲时尚女性对潮流与年轻的热切渴望,而完美精致的裁剪与上乘的材料以及层层把关的制造流程, 保障了时尚女性对贴身物品高品质追求。
企业名称: | 广东银士实业有限公司 |
所在地区: | 广东省 / 广州市 |
网站网址: | http://www.v21mode.com |
联 系 人: | 刘总 |
公司地址: | 广东省广州市天河区广州市天河区珠江新城金穗路3号汇美大厦1602 |