After months of preparation and optimization, the CBME overseas website is now live with a brand-new look. The revamped website presents itself with a more professional and interactive design. This significant update marks a crucial step in our digital transformation and user experience enhancement. The new domain for the overseas website is: http://www.cbmexpochina.com.

CBME overseas official website not only offers a fresh visual experience but also enhances content, interaction, and user connectivity. We are committed to providing a smoother, more efficient, and richer online experience, ensuring every visitor finds valuable information and enjoys their time on the site. As a leading global platform for the maternal and child industry, our mission is to connect buyers and exhibitors worldwide, driving innovation and growth in industry.
● Easy Access: whether you are looking to book a booth or register to visit our show, our quick and easy registration allows you to get instant confirmation.

2.全面升级的用户体验: 我们的新官网采用最新的设计理念,在美化设计的同时提供更直观、更流畅的浏览体验。无论是寻找最新产品、行业动态还是市场趋势,一切都触手可及。
● Enhanced User Experience: Our new website offers a more intuitive and smoother browsing experience. Whether you're looking for the latest products, industry news, or market trends, everything is at your fingertips.
3.丰富的行业资讯: 我们提供最新的行业新闻、市场分析和趋势预测,帮助您把握行业脉搏,抢占市场先机。
● Comprehensive Industry Insights: We provide the latest industry news, market analysis, and trend forecasts to help you stay ahead of the curve and seize market opportunities.
4.更多买家和展商真实的反馈: 让你了解真实的买家和展商参展体验,以及能在CBME收获什么。
● Real Feedback from Buyers and Exhibitors: Get insights into real experiences and what you can gain from participating in CBME.
5.全面的展会信息: 从CBME China 2025的展会预告到历届展会的相关重要文件及分析,我们提供全方位的展会信息,让您不错过任何重要时刻。
● Comprehensive Event Information: From previews of CBME China 2025 to important documents and analyses from past events, we provide all the information you need to stay informed about every key moment.
How to visit?
您可以通过以下链接直接访问我们的新官网: http://www.cbmexpochina.com
You can visit our new website directly through the following link: http://www.cbmexpochina.com
Join us
The CBME overseas official website is not just an information platform but also a bridge connecting global children, baby and maternity buyers. We invite you to visit our new website and explore more exciting content.
让我们共同期待CBME GBA 2024,12月2-4日,在深圳会展中心不见不散!扫描下方二维码立即领取免费门票:
Let's look forward to CBME GBA 2024, December 2-4 at the Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center! Scan the QR code below to claim your free ticket:

For overseas visitors please scan the second QR code:

Contact us
If you have any questions or collaboration needs, please contact us using the details below. We look forward to hearing from you!
CBME email address: cbmexpochina@informa.com
Overseas media collaboration: serena.zhang@informa.com
Book a booth and/or sponsorship: michelle.lan@informa.com

